Valentina Sagala


Born in Jakarta, August 9, 1977, Valentina Sagala is a woman activist and human rights defender. She is the founder of Institut Perempuan (Women’s Institute), a non-profit organisation that fights for women’s rights and through the organisation consistently advocates for women and children protection, actively monitor the formulation of policies and law enforcement, and also runs schools for feminist.

Valentina is currently participating in the Arts for Women-Peace Women Across the Globe (PWAG), as speakers in various discussions about women, law and human rights. Valentina also wrote some books; Ketika Negara Mengatur Kekerasan Seksual (2020), Ribut-Ribut Negara Mau Mengatur Keluarga (2020), 100 Tanya Jawab Seputar Kekerasan dan Pelecehan Berbasis Gender di Dunia Kerja (2020), Pergulatan Feminisme dan HAM (2007), Seperti Pagi: Kredo dan Puisi-Puisi Feminis (2020). In 2013, Valentina received the N-PEACE Awards (UNDP) in the Role Model for Peace category.