Head of the Terrorism Study Program at the UI School of Strategic and Globalization Studies (SKSG), Muhamad Syauqillah said, the balance of human rights protection in the context of security is an interesting study. It is also necessary to see how the restrictions on ideology encourage the crime of terrorism.

“What kind of attitude does the state have so that (ideological restrictions, -ed) are not called the state committing human rights violations,” he said.

Likewise with civil liberties such as expressing opinions and beliefs, what is the right way to regulate this. In practice, there is uncertainty, for example regarding radical terrorism content on social media which cannot be taken down. For that it is important to regulate how the state behaves.

Another issue concerns Indonesian citizens going abroad to join terrorist networks. Then repatriation or repatriation is carried out. Syauqillah said the process of repatriation, reintegration and rehabilitation was difficult. One of the reasons is that the approach between interested parties does not yet have good synergy between ministries/agencies and civil society.

It is necessary to determine which institution is in charge of the return process as well as reintegration and rehabilitation. Syauqillah has not seen the government implement adequate instruments, both procedures and human resources who handle it. One of the important policies that needs to be issued by the government is a mechanism or procedure regarding the repatriation, reintegration and rehabilitation of children affiliated with terrorism.

The deradicalization program initiated by civil society is also not integrated with similar programs carried out by ministries/agencies. As a result, the program carried out by civil society has the potential to be closely monitored by intelligence and repressed. This happens because there is no deradicalization system that is integrated between state and non-state actors. Without intending to limit the work that has been carried out so far by civil society organizations, Syauqillah is pushing for a communication mechanism to be built between the government and civil society organizations in dealing with terrorism.


https://www. Hukumonline.com/berita/a/terrorism-merupakan-kejahatan-serius–bukan-kejahatan-luar-ordinary-lt64b50aa8d1895?page=all

The Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP) in collaboration with UN Women and supported by the Korean and Canadian Governments held a Training of Trainers workshop for members of civil society organizations on Women, Peace and Security (WPS).

The training was divided into two sessions, namely online and offline and was attended by Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and the Philippines. Online training will be held on 27-28 June 2023. Ardhiana Fitriyani, or who is more familiarly called Pipit, became a representative for the Empatiku foundation to take part in the Training of Trainers (ToT). Pipit took part in an online workshop that discussed the concept of “Women, Peace and Security, Legal Framework and Several Challenging” in implementing this concept in their respective countries.

This workshop consisted of two sessions and was facilitated by Maricel Aguilar. The first session discussed ‘Introduction to Gender and Peace’ which included issues of gender and sex dichotomy, protection against gender-based discrimination and violence, and human security. Then, the second session talked about ‘Gender Issues and The Role of Social Institutions’ and its relation to the impact of a gender perspective in social institutions. It contains how the dimensions of gender, issues of patriarchy and transformative masculinity affect interpersonal, internal, institutional and ideological. The online workshop session was closed with a discussion on women’s rights and gender equality in Southeast Asia and the role of the government in each country in responding to this issue.

From these activities, the participants were able to map the challenges, opportunities and implementation of women’s issues and peace. Apart from that, it also discussed the efforts of each country to advocate for gender issues in peace building. Pipit also stated that from this workshop, he could increase his knowledge of the International Legal Framework (UNSC 1325) and the Regional Framework (ASEAN RAP on WPS) and reflect on the current legal framework in Indonesia.

This online workshop is the opening and introduction for the next workshop which will be held at Sequoia Hotel, Manila, Philippines on 3-6 July.

Deportan / Returni Assistance: A Joint Learning Process for a Better Life

By Mega Priyanti, Field Officer Empatiku WGWC Zoom Discussion Facilitators are also Human: The Story Behind Rehabilitation and Reintegration Jakarta, 18 June 2020

The biggest motivation to be a companion is the human factor. Whatever the mistake, when they need help, they certainly have to be helped. Especially when they have realized their mistake and want to participate so that other people don’t experience what they feel. I mostly support women and children. You can imagine, when these mothers and children returned when their husbands became prisoners in prisons.

All problems rest on the shoulders of the wife when they really start things from scratch. Having no income, lost contact with family members, and must build a new life. Especially with children who have special needs, have health problems. Then what about the education of the children and their future. If no one accompanies and accompanies, what happens ??

In my opinion, providing assistance is a joint effort and process. How to understand the problems faced, see the needs and develop their potential so that in the future it can be better. To do all this, the first thing to do is build trust so that the process goes well.

As a process, of course there are ups and downs. Sometimes easy sometimes difficult. The most difficult thing is when helping to make ends meet, while the problems they face are many. Meanwhile, it is impossible for a companion or an institution to solve all problems without the help of other institutions.

For this reason, it is very important to build networks with many parties, for example with health institutions, educational institutions, social services, Disdukcapil, Vocational Training Centers, non-government organizations and others. There are times when an institution is easily invited to cooperate. But some are difficult and cannot. So have to keep looking. Besides that, another challenge is to build their mental and self-confidence. Because it is very difficult to return to activities in a society with a bad stigma as a terrorist. As a companion, it is not uncommon for them to receive bad treatment from the general public. Why would you want to work with people who have betrayed the state or are considered part of them (terrorists).

The bad treatment did not only come from the community or family, but also from the beneficiaries (deportants / returni) themselves. Refusal to be accompanied because they don’t have a problem. There are times when when they are visited, it turns out that they no longer live at that address or have moved house without giving their new address. This is often faced and makes assistants have to keep looking for gaps in order to enter, for example through the wife of a deportant / returni or a local RT. However, it must be done carefully so as not to cause new problems. For example, it makes people afraid because there are former deportants / returners in their area.

Deportants / returni who have received assistance are expected to change their ideology and truly love NKRI. The changes can be seen when they begin to communicate casually, talk heart to heart. When they began to be able to tell about the background of his “migration” to Syria. They also tell stories of regret and realize that what they have been thinking so far is wrong. They want to improve. We continue to exchange ideas as friends.

Through the mentoring process I studied at a university of life. Meet lots of people and learn each character. Seeing that every human being must have problems and need to fight for his life. Never give up and always be grateful. If you try there is always a solution. This changed my life. I can live a calmer and less demanding life. More respect for other people because in my job I need help from others.

During this process, of course I made mistakes. And my biggest mistake was to go too deep and intervene directly in the problems my people were facing. Actually, it is beyond my responsibility. This made my people dependent on me and turned off their creativity. I myself couldn’t eat and couldn’t sleep. Bring their problems in my family life. Husband and children were targeted. Now I have positioned myself as a companion and as a helpful friend. Not as an angel who can solve every problem.

Am I sure they (deportants / returni) whom I have assisted do not return to radical groups? There are honestly no guarantees. Even when you have signed a document of loyalty to the Republic of Indonesia, you cannot guarantee it. Many things affect. However, their involvement in program activities and conversations or chatting during the mentoring process can help the disengagement process (release) of radical groups.

Whatever I have done in this work, there is always a lesson to be learned. I realize that change is a long process. The mentoring process cannot be limited by the time the program runs. Assistance is also part of the humanizing process. Because every human being must have positive and negative sides. The key to the success of the mentoring process is the skill to empathize with our assistance.

Depok, 18 June 2020

Monday, (20/7/2020), ATMNews.id, TANGSEL
Dozens of residents from three urban villages in Tangsel City participated in the training on the Early Detection and Handling of Violent Extremism (SITI) based on Village/Kelurahan at a hotel in North Serpong.

The training at the village level team was attended by Jombang, Benda Baru, and Pondok Kacang Timur Villages for three days. Director of C-Save Ichsan Malik said the SITI phase II program was implemented in 16 villages / sub-districts in 4 provinces, East Java, Central Java, Banten, and also West Java. “Its main mission is to prevent the spread of an ideology of radicalism based on extreme violence in society,” he said.

“We hope that during these 3 days the participants will all participate actively. We will also prepare resource persons and carry out an effective dialogue, ” he said. He warned that it is necessary to pay attention to the Covid-19 pandemic situation. “We sincerely ask the participants for their respective health according to the Covid-19 health protocol,” he hoped.

Asda 1 Tangsel City Government Rahmat Salam said the Tangsel City Government was enthusiastic about this training because residents were taught to detect everything related to radicalism early.

“So, basically you are like intel, unknown but with a silent operation but can report and search to C-Save. However, this is part of protecting the Republic of Indonesia, ” he said.

Rahmat Salam said, as a defender of the capital and very fertile (terrorist elements) as well as many experiences suddenly Densus 88 arrested suspected terrorists.

“Therefore, this is very good, this institution trains urban villages to increase their awareness. They care more, and what they want, if there is something strange, report it to the urban village security so that it will be detected more, ” he added. (Sugeng).

Source: https://atmnews.id/banten/cegah-radikalisme-puluhan-warga-tangsel-diajari-sistem-deteksi-dan-penanganan-dini-radikalisme/

Since the announcement of the Covid 19 case in early March 2020, its spread has continued to increase, raequiring the government to adopt PSBB policies in various regions, as a step to break the chain of transmission. This decision, of course, has a huge impact on the economy, especially for the lower classes of society such as laborers, daily workers, small shops, etc.

Meanwhile, women are the most vulnerable group. When all the members of the family gather at home, there is more domestic work and traditionally women are responsible for doing it. In addition, women will also try to make ends meet for their families when their husbands can no longer earn a living. With all their abilities and creativity, women sell food online, sew masks, start farming for food security, etc. So that many women have a double burden.

Seeing this condition, both the central and local governments have anticipated providing social assistance in the form of cash and basic necessities, but the process takes time, from data collection to distribution of aid. In a situation like this, with the increasing number of problems and victims, society cannot depend 100% on the government. Cooperation and mutual help from various parties are needed.

The Empatiku Foundation, with all its limitations, of course cannot remain silent. On May 18, 2020, in coordination with the sub-districts of the working area, contributed to helping residents affected by Covid 19. Assistance in the form of 50 packages of rice @ 5kg and 100 masks were added to the aid containing cooking oil and sugar which was distributed by the Kelurahan Benda Baru District. Pamulang, South Tangerang City. Other villages, namely Pondok Kacang Timur Village, Pondok Aren District, South Tangerang and Jombang Village, Ciputat District, Tangsel City, were given assistance in the form of 50 packages @ 5kg of rice and 100 masks. Furthermore, Empatiku also provided assistance in the form of 50 packages of rice @ 5kg and sugar @ 1 kg and 100 masks to Kenanga Village, Cipondoh District, Tangerang City.

The assistance provided was not large but felt very beneficial by the residents

“Thank you, this assistance is very useful, many residents here work as factory workers who have been laid off. Until now, government assistance has not arrived, while the data we have submitted, as a result we are being chased every day by residents who need help. With the rice aid from Empatiku, it makes us excited again to work to help the victims while waiting for social assistance from the government to come, ” said Mrs. Sri Handayani, the head of the Kenanga Urban Village Community Social Worker

“Bu Mega know, I distributed the rice at noon, I forgot to take a photo for documentation, at night I returned again, for a photo, it turned out that the rice had already been opened. Sorry Mother, I want to cook, there is no rice, I waited for my husband not to come home, so I opened the rice from Mother. Sad Mother, I don’t have rice. “ That’s the story of Mrs. Sri Maryati from Pondok Kacang Timur

“Thank you, we really appreciate the concern of the Empatiku Foundation, not how much assistance is given, but goodwill and sincerity, that’s what we see.” This opinion was conveyed by Pak Iwan and Ustadz Komarudin from the Jombang village

Of course there are many other touching stories that happened when the aid was distributed. Togetherness and contributions from all walks of life are needed in dealing with this extraordinary situation. Hopefully the Covid 19 Pandemic can be resolved soon so that life can return to normal.